Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rare Critters and Party Plans

Pictured is a rare harlequin pipe fish cohabitating with a red-spotted hawkfish and a brittle star. I took this shot a few days ago on a dive site on the south side of the island. The water here has cooled down, but the diving is still critter-filled.
The holiday season continues in Little Cayman...tomorrow is our New Year's Eve celebration. Little Cayman Beach Resort will have its fireworks, then Southern Cross Club will have its sparkler show. After that, I'm told the locals often head down to Point of Sand (a very cool beach on the East End of the island) for a beach party. Count me in for all of it!!! I'm only here for another two weeks, so I plan to ring in the new year with all the island festivities. Of course, hitting the water to lead a dive the next morning might require extra strong coffee, but I'll rally. Spending the first day of the new year underwater will be an excellent start!

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