Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fireworks and Flying Friends

Happy New Year from the tropics! As you can see, we enjoyed some great fireworks, three fireworks shows to be exact on one 10-mile-long island! I took all of it in, riding my trusty bike from point to point, with sustenance from a special libation in my water bottle!!! Couldn't stay out too late though, as I was divemastering the next morning. Led divers yesterday and today -- excellent dives with lots of critters, including sharks, turtles, barracudas, crabs, lobsters and nudibranchs.

Also, pictured one of my heron neighbors. He likes to hang out in pond, and the road...we've had a couple of near collisions at night. The bird life on the island is excellent. We have herons, egrets, frigates, boobies, terns, whistling ducks and other winged residents and visitors.

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