Sunday, December 19, 2010

Underwater and Island Romance

Been busy, so I’ve been remiss in updating the blog. PPR is gearing up for Xmas – Santa will visit on the 25th in the morning, then we’ll all go diving.

In the meantime, love has been in the air (or in the scuba tanks) here on Little Cayman. Pictured at left are David and Andrea. David proposed to Andrea the other day while diving from our dive boat, Yellow Rose. He took the engagement ring down on a dive and pointed it out in the sand to Andrea, as if he was just finding it. Then he pointed to his underwater slate (pictured), on which he proposed (he laughed about the misspelling....just blame the nitrogen narcosis). Andrea didn’t seem to mind, she accepted and came up wearing the ring. We toasted them with sodas and took pictures.

Then today I set another guest, Ralph, up with champagne. He was planning to propose to his girlfriend, Katrina, at sunset. They’re teachers from the U.K. who are currently working teaching high school on Grand Cayman. It’s their first trip to Little Cayman, and it’s sure to be a memorable one.

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