Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pirate Parade

This is Pirates Week in the Cayman Islands, an annual celebration of the nefarious part of the island chain’s history. Little Cayman kicks off the festivities with its Pirates’ Parade. Resorts and businesses build floats and drag them down the main street, ending up at the Hungry Iguana, the island’s only stand-alone eatery. It’s an excuse to dress up and party down. Pictured at left "pro" pirates from Grand Cayman, blue Avatar pirates and Pirates Point’s float, depicting greedy pirates of yesteryear, and green eco-pirates of today.
Diving news: We’re diving the south side of the island due to some strong north winds and big swells. Yesterday’s excitement included a small, curious Caribbean reef shark bumping a diver’s video camera. It’s clear from the video footage that the little shark scared herself more than the diver.
The temperature dropped below 80 degrees last night, burr! But weather service promises improvement by Wed./Thurs.


  1. Oh, Mickey would just love this! He dressed up as a pirate on Halloween for the Starship gig. Got the Johnny Depp eyeliner and all. :)
