Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Diving in the Rain

I’ve been in Little Cayman now for more than 48 hours, and I started work yesterday. Right now, we’re doing all kinds of chores and setting up to re-open on Oct. 29. However, I made my first dive this afternoon at about 4:00. Ahhhh. Gay, Bob and I went shore diving at a site called Salt Rock. We did a 70-minute dive, during which Bob speared 15 lionfish (pictured, Martha bags a lionfish). So for those skeptics who think the lionfish problem in the Caribbean is overblown…come and count our catch. Or better yet, have some lionfish sushi with us. It was pouring while we were diving – I love looking up and watching the rain drops dimple the sea’s surface. Here's what the weatherman says about our unsettled situation: “Heavy thunderstorm activity has increased and grown more organized over the past day over the southwestern Caribbean between Honduras and the Cayman Islands in association with a tropical disturbance. A surface circulation may be beginning to form, and the Hurricane Hunters are scheduled to investigate the area this afternoon (Oct. 19) to see if a tropical depression is forming. The storm is currently moving north-northwest at 5 - 10 mph, but is expected to move west or southwest beginning on Wednesday, making the storm primarily a threat to Honduras, Mexico.” Hopefully, the main part of this depression will just side-swipe our little island.

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