Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lionfish Fight Back

OK, so I received my first lionfish sting today. Mother of God, it hurts! I've had 3 Ibuprofen and 3 G&Ts and it STILL HURTS!!! I feel like a twit for letting him get me. We were bagging fish we'd speared, but one wasn't dead and he twisted and got me. The remedy for the toxin is nearly as bad as the pain -- you have to put scalding hot water on the affected area. In my case that means my right ring finger, which now has a water blister from the scalding water in addition to the black and blue from the lionfish toxin. The back of my hand is swollen too. Very attractive. But will I stop going after this new invasive species? Hell no, I'm getting my own spear gun. Revenge!!!


  1. Ouch! Sounds nasty!!!! Your own spear gun sounds like great revenge!

  2. Phil's comment ... apart from "Sorry she got stung" ... "I could think of one or two other very inconvenient place to get stung". Men ... :)
