Saturday, October 29, 2011

Installing the Dock

Our weather has finally calmed down enough to enable the installation of our floating dock. Each hurricane season, when the resort shuts down, we pull the dock out so the big storms can't tear it to bits. Tomorrow we go diving on Yellow Rose!

In the foreground of the first photo, Divemaster Mike is in the water and Divemaster Bob is on the dock (in the red t-shirt). Ed, our maintenance manager (gray t-shirt), is further down the dock. In the second photo Robin, one of the contractors on the island (and Chef Dianne's husband), is driving the loader, pulling dock sections down to the water.

Our guests start arriving this afternoon.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It's Wet, Damn Wet

Been on Little Cayman since's been rain and t-storms the whole time. And the humidity is intense. Feels like I'm sleeping in a steam room (no AC in my oceanfront condo). Hurricane Rina is passing to the west of us and hitting us with bands of tropical fun. But the waves in front of the condo are cool (see pic at left). In between cloudbursts, we're trying to get all the work done that needs to be completed so we can reopen on Saturday. We've managed to squeeze in a dive too...yesterday. Came up in a pounding squall. Yeeha.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Back to Little Cayman, Round 2

I'm returning to Little Cayman for another stint as a divemaster this fall. I leave in a week. These are photos from last winter in Truckee. Yes, those are buried power lines. And yes that's me shoveling my roof, which is three stories high. So, do I need to say more about why I'm going back to the tropics? I didn't think so.